Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fantastic Maximillian clip.

Refering back to my earlier 'Evil Robot' post about Maximillian from The Black Hole, I've found this brilliant clip of the tin-plated badass doing his drilly-death thing on Anthony Perkins.

1 comment:

Benji said...

Hee-hee. It was Disney film though so I guess blood, guts and entrails were out. Shame, I would've like to have seen more of that kind of thing in other Disney classics. 'Bambi goes Postal'. 'Snow White and the Seven Samurai' and 'Sin-derella' for example.

Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)