Monday, September 18, 2006

Separated at birth

Kevin McCloud (C4 presenter of 'Grand Designs') & actor Hugh Fraser (Captain Hastings from Poirot)

Here's a sanp of him with David Suchet.


the Lorikeet said...

and I thought they were the same man.....

Anonymous said...

I've seen this likeness for some time and just found your website by googling "Hugh Fraser" AND "Kevin McCloud". I think a DNA test is in order!

Nick Dean said...

Snap, anonymous!

I just had to see if anyone had noticed the resemblance -- it's in their manner of speech, too.


Unknown said...

Just discovered they are 2 different people...

Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)