Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Bond intro - 01

Despite the fact that I don't want to jump on the crazy, media-fuelled, publicity band-wagon, I thought I might celebrate the fact that it's Bond-time again and walk (nae - run) you through some of my favourite Bond intro sequences. The intro has formed a big part of the anticipation I experience surrounding a new Bond outing and, although the musical accompaniment has taken a desperately shite turn of late (Maddona? Cheryl Crow? Fuck off - We all know it should be Shirley Bassey or the Jones-meister.) they're still a microlight-flying, jet-pack-wearing, magnetic-watch abusing visual treat of the highest order. Oh how I wish other filums would pay this much attention to their opening. Mind you, if they did then Bond's would no longer be special so I'm kinda glad they don't.

So without further ado let's start at the beginning with the wonderful Dr. No.

As a graphic designer I love this sequence, it's just brilliant and stands up just as well today as any of the newer, effects heavy intros. I especially like the very beginning when the dot first appears to tell you it's a Harry Saltzmann & Albert R. Broccoli production, and I always chuckle at Connery's hat and his wee little hop he does when he spins to shoot his gun at us. What makes it all the more special is the fact that, as it's the first film, it runs to the Bond theme that we all know and love right up until about halfway in when it unexpectedly veers off on a tangent and goes all Mr. Tito-Madcap and his Magic Toga Band. Suddenly there's a bunch of midriffs cavorting around in some kind of semi-transparent, mono-tone, seisure-laden chaos and then, hang on, what's that? Isn't that three blind blokes wandering past the screen? What the Hell's going on? Brilliant.

1 comment:

Hostess with the Mostest said...

agree about the songs. need to be BIG numbers.

Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)