This is very 'future' I trust you'll agree. Apparently, way off in chilly old Spitsbergen (one of the four islands that make up Svalbard in Norway) those canny boffins are about to go all 'doomsdaysurvivalofthespecieswemustsurvivelookoutforthatgiantasteroid' on us and dig their way 120 metres (364ft) deep into the side of mountain. Once there they'll build a very hi-tech and doubtless pristinely minimalist seed bank, the design of which was unveiled today.

It's within this 'Ark' that they'll bung seeds of all known varieties of food crops to safe-guard against a global catastrophe such as an asteroid strike of nuclear war. Brilliant. I can only hope that there will soon be an animal bank closely followed by a human storage facility where terabyte after terabyte of coded DNA are stored and sealed deep within the mountain. Presided over by inteligent but benign robot 'custodians', the DNA will ride out any disaster that befalls our planet waiting for the day when a program will activate and the DNA will be fired up and life will kick start into... Hang on. Getting a bit carried away with the Sci-Fi there. Still, it's a great story isn't it.
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