Friday, January 18, 2008


I've just done something very, very silly. I worked out how much time I spend commuting to my current job in Paddington. Wanna know? Well I'll tell you sweet reader. It's 4 and a half hours per day. Now that dearest, is a whopping 22 and a half hours per week. I basically travel for one day for every five. Now that's not right is it.


Unknown said...

that's plain sick. you guys should take off on another adventure! it's katie & dave, your friends from the kasbah du toubkal. we (dave) lost your email address so we remembered your blog and tracked you down this way! shoot us an email so we'll have your email to send us your blog. how are things back in the real world after kasbah? hope you are both great and the baby is coming along safe and sound! when is beth due anyway? sorry to send you an email as a post but we don't have your email! hope to hear from you soon, katie & dave

Benji said...

Hey Katie, I can't mail you as the link above tells me you're profile isn't public. Hope all is well.

Claire said...

I saw an article suggesting things to do on your commute. It made me feel less sad. One was do an open uni degree. I am going to buy a small computery thing and blog with wifi (although suspect train has no decent signal as it rushes through tunnels). I shall also knit awesome jumpers. I suppose alternatively you could stare grumpily out of the window :p

Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)