Friday, December 08, 2006

Mr. Gordon

Can't think of anything to blog about today so I'll just make do with copying out this bit from a very famous and very cool film. First one to e-mail me with the title of the film wins... er... respect. I'll give you a clue: he's just a man, with a man's courage...
M: Klytus, l'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?

K: An obscure body in the SK system. The inhabitants call it Earth.

M: How peaceful it looks.


K: Most effective, Your Majesty. Will you destroy this Earth?

M: Later. l like to play with things ... before annihilation.


P: Green Mountain Airways requesting instructions.

CP: l hope Flash Gordon's had a great vacation after last season.

FG: Any problem, fellas?

P: Just turbulence. Nothing serious.
Nothing you'd want to toss a third-down pass through either.

CP: Would you like to autograph this for my kid, Mr. Gordon?

P: Call Boston approach. lt may be smoother higher up.

DA: Do us a favor and leave them alone. They're busy driving the bus.

FG: lt's just a little turbulence. My name's Flash.

DA: l know.


Hostess with the Mostest said...

Did you find the credit cards?

Benji said...

Credit cards? Lost? What you mean?

Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)