Monday, February 05, 2007

Some more incontravertibel truths...

I love flying but I hate air travel. It's so cramped and ungainly.
I'll eat pretty much anything. (Within reason.)
Despite what my brother says, I am not a 'Big fat hen'.
I'm on a mission to read everything by John Wyndham and I'm nearly there.
This is the first year since age 12 I've not read Douglas Adam's Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy or George Orwell's 1984
One of my highest pleasures is picking and eating blackberries straight from the bush.
I have a tendency to do a little involuntary, wiggly dance in my chair when I'm eating nice food.
I have been known to eat a whole bag of Wine Gums before breakfast and can easily drink three mugs of tea in half an hour.
I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate except where digestives & Hob-Nobs are concerned.
People probably think I'm an atheist but I'm actually agnostic (and that DOESN'T mean I'm a fence-sitter).
I do a funny, tappy-finger thing on the bar when I'm ordering drinks or I count them off on my fingers when getting a round in.
I can be mesmerisingly lazy when necessary.
I think reality TV shows are mindless, ignorant and dangerous shite. However...
I was coerced into watching the X-Factor final and actually quite enjoyed it.
I wish I had been born on Skaro, then I would be a Dalek.
I can't stop listening to the new Amy Winehouse album.
I don't understand what people get out of reading 'HEAT' or similar magazines.
I don't sleep too well and can sometimes be found pacing the flat at 3:30 a.m.
I like a drink.
I'm no stranger to the pie counter.
I'm engaged to be married.

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Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)