Monday, September 04, 2006

Test the livingroom

On Saturday Beth I planned to make pizzas but it ended up going a bit pear-shaped as, for some reason I can't quite work out, the dough didn't rise. To make matters worse I'd invited all and sundry round to sample my glorious wares. Thankfully only Sophie took me up on the offer so it wasn't quite such a disaster. We ordered some in and settled down to watch trash TV, something I pretty much never do but Beth was ecstatic as she never gets a chance to. (Am I a cruel uncaring boyfriend? Should I let my lovely watch Sharron bleedin' Osbourne and Simon Cowell being shit to shit people on national TV?). Anyhow, once the eye-popping, brain-mulching, soul-destroying embarrasment that is 'X-Factor' was over we found ourselves glued to Anne Robinson (scary huh?) and BBC's 'Test the Nation'. It was brilliant! Imagine my surprise when I racked up an IQ of 115and I wasn't all that surprised that Beth beat me and got 117, she's a smart lass. Sophie whuped both our asses though with an impressive 122. What made things all the better was that Brighton beat London with the Brighton average coming in at 113. Cool huh?

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Word of the day. Crapsifruit.

1. a. - Alt. of Crapsifruit. ~ (Crap-see-frute) To be a bit crap and slightly fruity. (See John Inman.)